Monday, June 02, 2008

The visitors continued with Nathan’s Mum travelling back with him from his trip to UK. She bravely went White Water Rafting down the Nile (an unusual Mothers Day present but it’s what she wanted!). Nathan went with her, his second time, and loved it.

We also travelled, with Nathan’s Mum, down to South West Uganda. We stayed with friends in Kisiizi, where Nathan has done a few Christ Church summer missions. It was one of the potential places we looked at to move to in Uganda. We took a scenic route back through Queen Elizabeth National Park where we saw more lions including some that climb trees.

Life working at the Tigers Club is never dull. This month has seen lots of exciting events…

The Tudabujja boys went on a day trip and of course we went with them. They began by visiting the international airport followed by the zoo, both at Entebbe. Just when they thought the day was over we took them for a swim at a new hotel on the way home. They loved it- especially swimming!

RETRAK put on a 3 City Concert tour in Addis Ababa, Nairobi and Kampala. The audience raved about the quality of the pianist (from UK) and choir (from Nairobi) and the concerts raised lots of money and awareness for the work of RETRAK. An International School also donated 1,000,000 Ugandan Shillings to the project so lots of thanks to God for his provision.

Another high light was watching the boys’ faces light up as they opened the shoe boxes of gifts that are sent over by Samaritan’s Purse (Operation Christmas Child). If you’ve ever sent one be encouraged that it is a hugely worthwhile thing to do.

Nathan has spent the football season organising a fantasy football league with the hostel boys. They loved it and the top 4 went with us to see the Uganda Cranes play in a world cup qualifier against Niger. It was a great atmosphere, especially after winning 1-0. He’s hoping they qualify!

Nathan’s favourite moment was being greeted by one our new farm apprentices just as one of the cows (that the apprentice had been put in charge of) wandered past our house having escaped. His look of surprise when Nathan pointed at the cow said it all!